Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weeks 8-15 ;; loss of symptoms, hello second trimester!

How far along? 15 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: ALOT! 18 lbs in 4 months.
Maternity clothes? trying to pick some out.. living in yoga pants. my jeans no longer button :(
Stretch marks? no new ones, yet.
Sleep: less tired, still fatigued though after work.
Best moment this week: feeling our little pumpkin kick!

Miss Anything? WINE! 
Movement: yes!! feel likes little jabs.
Food cravings: fruit, taco-bell.. just plain HUNGRY.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
all of my aversions just disappeared after 8 weeks.
Gender: im definitely thinking its a boy now after seeing the ultrasound.

Labor Signs: having some braxton hicks while im at work, nothing serious though.
Symptoms: NONE! all of them disappeared after 8 weeks. boobs are still just tender, and im sleepy.
Belly Button in or out? inny for now
Wedding rings on or off? don't wear jewelry.

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy mostly :D
Looking forward to: MAY!! lots of appointments, especially gender day!