Friday, February 22, 2013

The Beginning...

Let me start off here by introducing myself, I'm Shannon. I have a 4 year old son named Christian and married to the love of my life, Christopher.

About 2 months after I had Christian (he was born November 08) I had the Mirena IUD placed. Quick easy process. Doctor asked me to take a deep breathe and tada, it was in. I was told I could have minor cramping and some spotting for the next few months and that possibly not see signs of a period at all. Well, they were right. I had a very light period every month until April when it all stopped completely. After about 2 years of no period I started to develop painful cysts on my ovaries that would rupture and I would have to go to the hospital. One of those times I actually wound up with Ovarian Torsion. Basically my ovary twisted over itself and almost blew completely.

Moving on to the last 5 months. In September, I became pregnant while on Mirena. Yes, it is possible. Statistically, 1 in 1000 women get pregnant on the IUD. Once I found out, I had it removed and hoped my baby would be safe. I was about 6 weeks along when I found out .. and 3 weeks later I lost the baby. Althought no doctor will confirm it, I know it was the Mirena that caused my miscarriage. My body had no time to recover from not having a period and my uterus was in no condition to harbor a little life. Here we are today, February. 21, 2013 and I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Its taken 5 months of trying to get here again, but were here and my levels are great. My uterus is thick and baby has dug in and is nesting nicely. He/She is due to arrive October. 18, 2013

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