Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 7: holy nausea batman!

How far along?
7 weeks

Total weight gain: ive noticed its gone up and down.. im assuming bloat and water weight.
Maternity clothes? no, but im thinking of buying some shirts.
Stretch marks? i noticed a little one on my boob, slathered it with vitamin e ;)
Sleep: im exhausted, but i cant stay asleep. i get up atleast 3x a night to pee.
Best moment this week: actually be able to get out of bed without wanting to puke.

Miss Anything? being able to eat what i want without blowing up like a balloon
Movement: no, just alot of gas ;)
Food cravings: im just HUNGRY.. and nothing looks good.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
everything right now. but mostly the smell of peanut butter and sauce.
Gender: im thinking a girl, im SO sick this time.. with my son i felt completely normal.

Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: exhausted, headaches, nausea, morning sickness, bloating, boobs HURT.
Belly Button in or out? inny
Wedding rings on or off? don't wear one, not one for jewelry. i have a tattoo instead :) <3

Happy or Moody most of the time: VERY VERY moody.
Looking forward to: the end of this month :) our next appointment and vacation to new york for a week.

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