Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weeks 8-15 ;; loss of symptoms, hello second trimester!

How far along? 15 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: ALOT! 18 lbs in 4 months.
Maternity clothes? trying to pick some out.. living in yoga pants. my jeans no longer button :(
Stretch marks? no new ones, yet.
Sleep: less tired, still fatigued though after work.
Best moment this week: feeling our little pumpkin kick!

Miss Anything? WINE! 
Movement: yes!! feel likes little jabs.
Food cravings: fruit, taco-bell.. just plain HUNGRY.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
all of my aversions just disappeared after 8 weeks.
Gender: im definitely thinking its a boy now after seeing the ultrasound.

Labor Signs: having some braxton hicks while im at work, nothing serious though.
Symptoms: NONE! all of them disappeared after 8 weeks. boobs are still just tender, and im sleepy.
Belly Button in or out? inny for now
Wedding rings on or off? don't wear jewelry.

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy mostly :D
Looking forward to: MAY!! lots of appointments, especially gender day!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 7: holy nausea batman!

How far along?
7 weeks

Total weight gain: ive noticed its gone up and down.. im assuming bloat and water weight.
Maternity clothes? no, but im thinking of buying some shirts.
Stretch marks? i noticed a little one on my boob, slathered it with vitamin e ;)
Sleep: im exhausted, but i cant stay asleep. i get up atleast 3x a night to pee.
Best moment this week: actually be able to get out of bed without wanting to puke.

Miss Anything? being able to eat what i want without blowing up like a balloon
Movement: no, just alot of gas ;)
Food cravings: im just HUNGRY.. and nothing looks good.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
everything right now. but mostly the smell of peanut butter and sauce.
Gender: im thinking a girl, im SO sick this time.. with my son i felt completely normal.

Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: exhausted, headaches, nausea, morning sickness, bloating, boobs HURT.
Belly Button in or out? inny
Wedding rings on or off? don't wear one, not one for jewelry. i have a tattoo instead :) <3

Happy or Moody most of the time: VERY VERY moody.
Looking forward to: the end of this month :) our next appointment and vacation to new york for a week.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 6 ;; I am so TIRED.

How far along? 6 weeks
Total weight gain: 3lbs :\ that's about a pound a week since the positive test.
Maternity clothes? not yet. just yoga pants and hubby's t shirts :)
Stretch marks? from my first pregnancy, none from this one... yet.
Sleep: i could sleep all day if you let me.
Best moment this week: seeing my tiny little bean and his/her heartbeat.

Miss Anything? WINE! 
Movement: nope, waiting impatiently  til i can start feeling some though :)
Food cravings: everything, anything.. Taco bell and salad mostly. need to start eating healthier or im gonna be a whale very shortly.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
smell of spaghetti sauce and peanut butter.
Gender: wont know for quite some time, hoping for a girl.

Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: TIRED, waves of nausea, stuffy nose, headache, dizzy spells, hungry.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? don't wear one, not one for jewelry. i have a tattoo instead :) <3

Happy or Moody most of the time: VERY VERY moody.
Looking forward to: the next ultrasound to see the little pumpkins growth :)

My Pregnancy After Mirena: Weeks 4,5 and 6.

After 5 months of trying, I finally got my positive result on February 3rd. Both shocked and ecstatic I told my husband immediately and sent him a picture of the test. Now, before I took the test it was like mommy intuition.. I just "knew". How did I know you ask? Different Things. My hair hurt, yes I said it. Like after you have had your hair up in a tight pony or bun all day and you finally take it down and shake it out.. the tight scalp feeling? Yeah that, times 10. Mind you my hair is cut into in a-line bob so a bun/pony wasn't the case. I ran my fingers through my hair and ouch. The bathroom became my best friend, way more then normal. Peeing every 10 minutes is a dead give away :)

With Christian, I had NO symptoms what so ever. Except peeing every 10 minutes, but that was it. Not hungry, nauseous, sore breasts.. nothing. So yes, every pregnancy is definitely different. Especially this one sheesh. Im hungry, angry, happy, weepy and swollen. Holy hormonal roller coaster batman!

The last 2 weeks (4-6) have been pretty much the same. Very tired, hungry, certain smells make me want to throw up, nauseous ect. However the one thing that has worried me is the intense cramping I have had from the get go. Almost like period cramps, very annoying. Not having that with my first I panic and am in the doctor or ER every other day. They did blood work and my hormone levels were rising how they should, everything is going perfectly. And to put the icing on the cake, I finally saw my little bean!! Friday, the 22nd, I went into the doctors office for the same cramps, and she wanted more blood work and an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage since it was way to early to tell last time. She showed me the screen.. " There it is, right there.. stay still, stop crying so you can see. There is your baby, we have a heartbeat!" Not crying wasnt an option, I couldnt stop. Happy tears of course, my heart and head are finally at ease. There is a little life growing healthy and happy in there flickering away :) I go back March. 26th for another ultrasound and typical prenatal appointment fun.

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Beginning...

Let me start off here by introducing myself, I'm Shannon. I have a 4 year old son named Christian and married to the love of my life, Christopher.

About 2 months after I had Christian (he was born November 08) I had the Mirena IUD placed. Quick easy process. Doctor asked me to take a deep breathe and tada, it was in. I was told I could have minor cramping and some spotting for the next few months and that possibly not see signs of a period at all. Well, they were right. I had a very light period every month until April when it all stopped completely. After about 2 years of no period I started to develop painful cysts on my ovaries that would rupture and I would have to go to the hospital. One of those times I actually wound up with Ovarian Torsion. Basically my ovary twisted over itself and almost blew completely.

Moving on to the last 5 months. In September, I became pregnant while on Mirena. Yes, it is possible. Statistically, 1 in 1000 women get pregnant on the IUD. Once I found out, I had it removed and hoped my baby would be safe. I was about 6 weeks along when I found out .. and 3 weeks later I lost the baby. Althought no doctor will confirm it, I know it was the Mirena that caused my miscarriage. My body had no time to recover from not having a period and my uterus was in no condition to harbor a little life. Here we are today, February. 21, 2013 and I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Its taken 5 months of trying to get here again, but were here and my levels are great. My uterus is thick and baby has dug in and is nesting nicely. He/She is due to arrive October. 18, 2013